A Guide to Search Results for "California DUI"

The search term "california dui" is typically used by people who have been arrested for driving under the influence (abbreviated DUI) in the state of California and are looking for legal information and/or an attorney to represent them in their contacts with California's police, prosecutors, courts and Department of Motor Vehicles. A lesser number of people who use this search term have sympathies with those who prosecute people who stand accused of DUI, and a certain amount of noise is introduced into search results for California DUI by Diving Unlimited International (also abbreviated DUI), a prominent manufacturer and distributor of underwater diving equipment. The term "dui" is a generic phrase which usually refers to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a combination of the two. It is sometimes used interchangeably with such phrases as "drunk driving" or "dwi" (driving while intoxicated), though "dui" is the most commonly employed term in California. It can also refer to the offense of so-called DUI "per se": driving a vehicle with a blood-alcohol content of .08% or higher. In most cases, an arrest in California will result in a prosecution for both offenses.

Are you looking for information about "California DUI" law?

Are you looking for legal information about DMV driver's license suspensions arising from a "California DUI" arrest?

  • DUI California
    General overview of the laws in California concerning license suspensions imposed by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Laws and Procedures
    Excellent explanation of California's DUI license suspension laws and procedures, from lawyer Lawrence Taylor.
  • SR-22.com
    Helpful links about DUI and license suspension issues in California.

Are you looking for a "California DUI" attorney?

Are you looking for "California DUI" news?

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