A Guide to Search Results for "California DUI Defense"

The search term "California DUI defense" is usually used by people who are looking for information on how to find a California DUI lawyer or California DUI lawyers -- that is, who specialize in DUI defense. The laws in California applicable to "drunk driving" are harsh and extremely complex, as to the offenses, punishment and DMV driver's license suspension; normal constitutional protections often do not apply. The offense can consist of driving under the influence of alcohol or a combination of alcohol and drugs, which can be largely established with police opinion testimony, or it can consist of driving with a blood-alcohol concentration of .08% or higher; in most cases, both offenses will be charged. Police evidence may require addressing complex issues concerning blood and breath alcohol analysis. Punishment involves a labyrinth of statutes, requiring jail, fines, schools, license restrictions/suspensions, ignition interlock devices, vehicle forfeiture, probation, etc.; some can involve factual variables triggering so-called "enhancements", which further increase the sentence. Separate from the criminal proceedings, the arrestee has the right to demand a hearing to contest the administrative suspension of his or her driver's license, where an entirely different set of laws and procedures apply.

Faced with the complexities of a drunk driving criminal prosecution and with a DMV administrative license suspension as well, it is imperative that one obtain the services of a good lawyer experienced in this highly specialized field.

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